Washington County Schools’ curriculum aligns to the Kentucky Academic Standards, with emphasis on 21st Century Skills. Teacher-developed pacing guides provide an instructional outline of the year with pacing adjusted due to classroom formative assessment results when necessary. While WCS teachers work through professional learning communities to locate and develop instructional resources, purchased curriculum materials also serve as a resource for instructional planning.
Elementary Curriculum
Elementary instruction focuses on developing the foundational skills of reading, writing, and mathematics, enabling students to access information and create products that communicate information and opinions. Curriculum resources include Wit and Wisdom and MyView for literacy instruction, Eureka Math and iReady Classroom Mathematics for mathematics instruction, Mystery Science, and the DBQ Project for social studies. i-Ready is utilized as a supplemental instructional resource and an interim assessment program that provides individualized learning paths for students in reading and mathematics. For grades K-3, iReady has been adopted as the district universal screener and the iReady Literacy Tasks are utilized as the diagnostic assessment for literacy.
Middle School Curriculum
Middle school instruction continues to enhance foundational content and concepts while presenting more complex texts, processes, and strategies. Students enhance skills of synthesis, analysis, and problem solving throughout the curriculum in order to communicate explanations and arguments. Curriculum resources include Prentice Hall for literacy instruction, Digits for mathematics instruction, IQWST for science, and the DBQ Project for social studies. I-Ready is utilized as a supplemental instructional resource and an interim assessment program that provides individualized learning paths for students in reading and mathematics. Apex and Boardworks provide additional supplemental materials.
High School Curriculum
High school instruction focuses on applying skills and concepts to solve problems, research multiple perspectives, explain findings, and argue claims. Students apply these skills across academic content areas as well as career and technical pathways. Curriculum resources used at the high school include Houghton Mifflin for literacy instruction, Pearson mathematics resources, Houghton Mifflin, STEM Scopes, and Cengage for science instruction, and the DBQ Project for social studies. CERT is utilized as a supplemental instructional resource and an interim assessment program that provides individualized learning paths for students in ACT-assessed content areas. Apex and Boardworks provide additional supplemental materials.